Can You Put Tanning Bulbs In Regular Light Fixture
yeah, it is possible to install a tanning bulb in a regular light fixture. Tanning bulbs are fluorescent bulbs. By emitting UV rays, tanning bulbs can cause changes to the melanin in our skin, resulting in darker skin.
Due to the popularity of tanning skin, people use many methods to make their skin look tanned since they feel confident looking gorgeously tanned. There are so many options for permanent or temporary tan skins. But exposure in the form of tanning light makes the skin tanned for weeks and the procedure is quite soothing. Tanning releases endorphins which makes them feel good about their skin.

Using Tanning Blub as a Regular light fixture
The tanning bulb is manufactured for the Tanning bed, which exposes the whole body to UV lights for even tanning. Still one can use Tanning Bulb as a regular light fixture. A tanning bulb or fluorescent bulb generates UV rays But it doesn’t produce any vitamin D for the skin.
You can put on a tanning bulb in a regular light fixture as long as the socket and mountain base is the same. You also need to check the maximum wattage of your fixture and choose a tanning bulb that produces a similar or lesser amount of wattage.
If you choose any tanning bulb with high wattage than the fixture it may cause the burning of the whole wiring even the house. A standard outlet can take a maximum load of 1500 watts per outlet or circuit and tanning bulbs between 400-1200 watts can be easily used in the regular light fixture.
Can I Get Vitamin D From A Tanning Bulb?
The fluorescent lamp is a low-pressure mercury gas conducted lamp that with the presence of fluorescent creates visible light when electricity passes, the mercury gas gets excited enough to create a short wavelength. This wavelength is what we call a UV ray which creates a tan on our body.
But this UV ray doesn’t contain any UV-B rays that work in our skin cells to produce enough vitamin D that protects us from cancer-creating melanoma. Rather these bulbs create a UV-A ray which makes our skin look darker by causing serious damage to our skin layer.
Does Fluorescent Lamp Require Safe Disposal?
As fluorescent bulb contains mercury so it’s classified as hazardous waste. It illuminates the gas power of mercury and if somehow the bulb gets broken it’s suggested not to use a mercury bulb as our body comes in direct contact with the mercury. Primarily if somehow we inhale the mercury gas it can cause permanent lung damage also it can damage permanently our brain cells.
Moreover, our spinal cord gets affected by direct contact with mercury. Long-time exposure to mercury can lead us to death. So if a bulb is broken or you notice any crack in the fluorescent bulb, It’s suggested not to use it, rather dispose of it very carefully without exciting the mercury left in the lamp. It’s better to hire a hazardous material disposal unit to dispose of the broken bulb to avoid any accidents. That way the left mercury can be recycled as well.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use a UV light in a regular lamp?
You Can use a UV Light in a regular lamp if certain conditions are met. First of all, you need to check the wattage of the lamp and the light. Then check the wiring if its heat protected cause UV light produces a lot of heat to get tanned. Check the material of the base lamp, If it’s made of plastic then you should avoid using UV bulbs. You can use a UV light on a swing lamp.
Can I get a tan from a regular light bulb?
Of course, you can get a tan from the regular fluorescent bulb. A fluorescent bulb creates a UV ray that carries enough photons which break downs your skin layers. The chemical reaction with melanin makes the skin tan. Before using a tanning bulb, you should check the wavelength. Because they can react differently with your skin.
A long wavelength between 300-400 nanometers can compel serious damage to your skin. So you should be careful before using the tanning bulb and measure the timing of exposure.
What kind of light do I need to tan?
There are three types of bulbs- LED Bulbs, Fluorescent bulbs, and incandescent bulbs. Incandescent bulbs produce high heat but it doesn’t produce UV rays that could tan your skin, even led lights are the modern generation of light that also doesn’t produce any heat or UV ray.
But fluorescent bulbs are quite efficient in creating Uv rays that produce photons to create a chemical reaction with the cholesterol under our skin layers to produce enough melanin which makes us look tanned.
Can any light bulb fit in a lamp?
Any type of light bulb can be fitted in a lamp as long as it has the same or less wattage than the lamp socket and the bulb plate matches up with it. If the bulb plate doesn’t match up with the lamp socket then it’s not possible to fit. Now bulbs are manufactured according to the universal socket so any bulb could fit on any socket and maintain the electrical contract.
UV rays damage the outmost layers of our skin which protect us from further heat damage, sunburn, and other skin problems caused by UV rays. But It’s better to get tanned from the sunlight because the natural sunlight helps our skin to activate D3 under the layers of our skin which is Vitamin D.
Vitamin D is a must for our body because it regulates the calcium and phosphate in our body, which keeps our bones strong, prevents overweight, and prevents aging. But the tanning bulbs don’t help produce Vitamins for our skin but tan it. excess exposure to tanning light can damage our skin cells and cause cancer.